Ilya Melnikov guide to Monaco. Monaco. Where is Monaco located on the world map, capital, attractions, description of the country in what part of Europe is it located

Monaco is a dwarf state and ranks 2nd in area among the smallest countries in the world. Since the 14th century, the principality has been ruled by the Grimaldi dynasty. The country has a colorful past, but today is renowned as the "abode of the high and mighty", where wealthy people enjoy favorable tax conditions.

Map of Monaco. Geographical characteristics

The state of Monaco is located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea in southern Europe. Its area is only 2.02 square meters. km. This number also includes 40 hectares of sea shores that have been drained over the past 20 years. A detailed map of Monaco shows the country in a single urban space with the French commune of Beausoleil. The border between the two states is arbitrary.

The Principality is famous for being home to one of the best casinos in the world. Also in Monaco, on the Monte Carlo city circuit, one of the stages of the Formula 1 race called the Monaco Grand Prix is ​​held.

Another feature of the dwarf state is the privileges of the indigenous population, called Monegasques. They make up a fifth of all residents, have their own spoken language (a mixture of French and Italian) and traditions. Monegasques are considered a titular nation, they are exempt from all taxes and, unlike foreigners, have the right to reside in the historical part of the country.

Monaco on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Usually the state is marked with a small dot somewhere in France, so finding Monaco on the world map is very difficult. The principality is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, on the land side it is surrounded by the lands of France. The closest major city to Monaco is Nice. The distance between the two resorts is 18 km.

Monaco is located on steep hills Maritime Alps, so the country's topography is rocky and rugged. Mountain slopes protect the coast from northern winds. The highest point of the country's relief is 163 meters. The peak is located on the southern slope of the peak Mont Agel and juts straight out into the sea. The southern location and mountainous terrain give rise to a subtropical climate in these parts. Monaco is characterized by:

  • dry and cool summers with an average air temperature of +22–25 degrees;
  • rainy and mild winter, during which the air temperature does not drop below +9 degrees;
  • During the off-season, unstable weather and lower temperatures are brought by strong winds blowing both from the sea and from the interior of France.

The warm climate and favorable geographical location of the country are attractive factors that force Russian tourists to look for Monaco on a map in Russian.

The principality is dominated by Mediterranean flora: dwarf palms, boxwood, olives, jasmine, oaks, conifers, etc., the mountainous area is covered with evergreen bushes.

  • there are no large animals;
  • Mammals are dominated by small rodents;
  • of birds - warblers, larks, mockingbirds;
  • there are small reptiles;
  • marine life is small in number (fish, shellfish, mammals).

Map of Monaco with cities. Administrative division of the country

In the past, according to the Constitution adopted in 1911, the Principality of Monaco was administratively divided into 3 communes:

  • La Condamine;
  • Monte Carlo;
  • Monaco-Ville.

Those, in turn, were divided into separate regions. 6 years later, amendments were made to the Constitution, as a result of which the principality became one single commune, and the former communes received the status of districts. In the early 1970s, the state was expanded by draining the Mediterranean coast. As a result, the new lands of Fontvieille and Le Portier appeared.

Today there are 4 cities in the principality, the borders of which have merged due to the density of buildings. On the map of Monaco with cities in Russian it is:

  1. Monaco-Ville- an ancient city that has preserved its medieval appearance, until 2007 it was the capital of the principality. It is located on a flat area of ​​a high rocky cliff (60 m) extending into the sea.
  2. Monte Carlo– cultural and entertainment center, resort area. This affluent and prestigious area is nestled among the Mediterranean cliffs and is home to one of the world's oldest casinos and a Grand Prix racing circuit.
  3. La Condamine– a modern business, industrial, port center. Located on the shore of the convenient Hercules Bay.
  4. Fontvieille- a modern industrial and port district in the southwest of the country, located on artificial land. It was erected as a result of the creation of an underwater embankment of stone blocks and a concrete dam. It is home to the Louis II multi-sports stadium and the principality's only university.

Just over 35 thousand people live in the dwarf principality. This population density puts Monaco in first place in the ranking of the most densely populated countries in the world.

Geographical position

Principality of Monaco- a small country located in a picturesque corner in the south of Europe, 10 kilometers from the border of two large countries, France and Italy. On the one side the principality limits Cote d'Azur Mediterranean Sea. On the other side the border lies with France. On the territory of Monaco there is a junction between the Alpes-Maritimes and the Cote d'Azur. Total area of ​​the country amounts to 1,98 square kilometers. Part of this area was previously the seashore. The terrain is hilly.

The Principality of Monaco is four merged cities. This capitalMonaco, an ancient city of the same name, Monte Carlo, favorite vacation spot of the world star elite, La Condamine, business center and seaport, Fontvieille, industrial district.

The geographical position of the country is very favorable. The Maritime Alps reliably protect the Principality from cold northern winds. The Mediterranean coast attracts celebrities to holiday here. The amazingly beautiful bay is one of the advantages of the principality. A large area in the country is occupied by artificial green spaces, parks, and public gardens. For this reason, many rightfully consider Monaco to be the Garden of Eden.

Climate in Monaco soft, it is conducive to relaxation throughout the year. In summer Here hot dry weather. The air temperature reaches 25-30 degrees. There is practically no precipitation. Winter temperature doesn't go lower -3 degrees. A average temperature throughout the country during this period is +10 - 11 degrees. Rains - a rare event. They come mainly in autumn or winter. General average annual precipitation does not exceed 1300 mm. The inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco owe such a fertile climate to the Alpes-Maritimes. They are the ones who protect the country from the unfavorable cold currents of air masses moving from the north of Europe.

Due to the dry and warm climate, the country grows a large number of exotic plants. This dwarf palms, figs, olives, as well as other characteristic representatives of the Mediterranean flora. Meet here oak, boxwood, pine, juniper. Stretched along the slopes of the Alpine mountains meadows of xerophytic grasses. Thickets of low-growing bushes can also be found on the slopes. Residents of Monaco cultivate plants imported from other countries and continents. This bananas, citrus fruits, agaves, cacti, eucalyptus. There are a large number of gardens and parks in the cities. Overall, more 20% The area of ​​the principality is occupied by vegetation.

Visas, entry rules, customs rules

In order to cross the border of Monaco, you need Schengen or french visa. It can be obtained from the French embassy on the basis of an invitation. To obtain a visa required a foreign passport valid for 4 months from the date of entry, a general passport, a certificate from the place of work indicating the average monthly income, position and date of hire, a completed application form with a 3*4 photograph attached, an invitation, and a document indicating the solvency of the traveler.

Basic entry requirements to enter the country are the availability of round-trip tickets, insurance for at least $30,000, and tourists need to have a hotel reservation. If there is a private invitation, a single-entry visa is issued. It can be valid from 1 to 90 days. Valid term of a visa depends on the type of invitation. For business trips, it is possible to request a multiple visa. Before submitting documents to the embassy, ​​you need to pay the consular fee. It takes from two to three days to two weeks to process documents at the embassy.

Customs regulationsA in Monaco are no different from those in other European countries. The amount of cash brought into the country not limited. Amount over 9 thousand euros is required declare. You can freely export no more than 200 cigarettes, 1 liter of spirits, 2 liters of wine, 0.25 liters of eau de toilette. Allowed transport animals, but it is obligatory must be a certificate from a veterinarian about the pet’s health status and vaccinations.

Population, political status

Lives in Monaco 31.7 thousand people according to 2000 data. The national composition is quite extensive. Most of the population are French people. There are about 47% . Italians by nationality - 16% residents of Monaco. The indigenous inhabitants of the principality, Monegasques, make up 16% population. Monaco ranks first in terms of population density. This figure exceeds 16 thousand people per 1 square meter of area. Official state language in Monaco - French. But they are also popular Monegasque, English and Italian.

A little about the government structure of Monaco. This a constitutional monarchy. Head of State, prince, transfers its powers by inheritance. If there is no heir, then by special agreement, Monaco becomes an autonomous state, and France will be a protectorate. Legislative function carries prince And parliament. As part of parliament 24 deputies. Its representatives can only be Monegasques who have reached 25 years of age. They are elected in general elections according to the principle of proportional representation for a term of 5 years. Role of the Executive belongs Government Council. It meets upon request at least twice a year. The prince takes part in this. Heads the Government CouncilMinister of State, representative of neighboring France. Judicial branch is based on the code of laws in force in France.

What to see

Residence of the princely family, Grimaldi Palace, located on top of a cliff. It was erected on the site of an ancient fortress built by the Genoese in 1215. In the summer, the princely family is away, so it is possible to get inside. In front of the princely palace lies Palace Square. Along its perimeter lined up cannons cast during the reign of Louis XIV. Tourists gather here to watch the changing of the guard ceremony.

The most beautiful Chapel of Divine Mercy- monument 17th century. It was built specifically for holding meetings of members of the society of repentant sinners. A unique creation housed in the chapel, -wooden sculpture of Christ. It was created during the time of Napoleon I.

was built in Monaco in 1875. Here are the burial places of all members of the princely family.. The cathedral is active. Divine services are held here on Catholic holidays.

The Wax Museum represents images frozen in wax of the princes who headed the throne during the period from the end of the 18th century to the present day. The museum contains clothing and household items from different eras.

Oceanographic Museum built in modern style in 1910. It contains the most interesting collections of flora and fauna of the Mediterranean. In a huge underground room you can admire aquariums with the inhabitants of the deep sea living in them.

For a long time, the territory currently occupied by the Principality of Monaco has attracted conquerors. At first it was mastered Phoenicians. Subsequently they settled on this land Genoese. IN 1215 year they built the first fortress. This date can be considered the time of the founding of the state. Noble ranks of Provence would also like to rule Monaco in those distant days. But the Genoese approved their representative as head. This took place in 1419 year and marked the beginning of the reign of the clan Grimaldi ruling to the present day. Then the feudal principality of Monaco separated. Genoa only served as a protectorate.

During from 1524 to 1641 year Monaco belonged to Spain, then it passed into the hands of France. After 1815 years, the principality was under the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia. But this only lasted until 1861 of the year. Then everything returned to normal.

IN 1863 year, a significant event occurred in the history of Monaco. Built in Monte Carlo first casino. This opened the era of gambling in the principality. The richest people in the world began to come here. Now the casino is one of the main sources of income in Monaco.

IN 1911 year was created first Constitution. The state has turned into constitutional monarchy. Later in 1962 In 2008, a Constitution was created that is still in force in Monaco today.

International trade

The Principality of Monaco is best known as world tourism center. There are many more jobs than people living in the state, so unemployment rate is very low, and most of the workers come from abroad (mainly France and Italy). The excellent climate contributes to the development of tourism and a large percentage of income in the state depends on it. In addition, it is very well developed banking sector. Low taxes make the principality a very attractive destination for investment. Lately it's been a lot began to developconstruction.Also well developedpharmaceutical, chemical, electronic And food industry, manufacture of wearing apparel, souvenirs, earthenware etc., but the country does not have its own agriculture. The lack of its own resources makes Monaco completely dependent on imports from abroad.

My foreign trade Principality of Monaco operates with almost all countries of the European Union(58% exports and 45% imports). Main foreign trade partners are Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Germany And China. To a greater extent the state depends from France, since that's where it comes from imports electricity and water supplies.

The shops

Here, as in other tourist towns, it’s just an incredible number of different shops and markets, where you can buy souvenirs, ceramics, treat yourself to sweets and delicious chocolate. But adhering to a high level, Monaco has acquired the status of an elite tourist destination and therefore here you can meet boutiques of the world's most famous brands. Bargain here not accepted, this is beneath the dignity of sellers, and no one will want to do this, given the level of tourists.

Monaco is designed to make tourists feel fun, convenient and comfortable. And since people come here to spend money on their loved ones, then they need to correspond to the level of a large tourist city. Like other similar cities, you, of course, you can buy a variety of souvenirs, but only in Monaco can you find stunning beauty ceramic products, luxury crystals. Fragrance lovers will be able to choose for themselves chic perfume, A sweet tooth pamper yourself delicious fruits in sugar, sweets And chocolate, which is produced at the Monaco chocolate factory. In addition, a large number of boutiques representing the most famous brands in the world in the field of jewelry, clothing. A large number of antique shops, where you can buy interesting things, and at a good discount. Also in Monaco there is two large shopping centers, in which everyone will find something to their liking. You can even buy replicas of designer items or costume jewelry, the price of which will seem simply ridiculous compared to the originals presented in the neighboring boutique. Walking along the streets lined with various shops, you can plunge into the world of beauty and luxury, pamper yourself and enjoy visiting these shops, filled to capacity with all kinds of things.


Principality of Monaco located on the Cote d'Azur of the Mediterranean Sea and borders by land only with France. Country area amounts to 1.91 sq. km.

No matter what in 1964 the principality increases its area by 20% (0.4 sq. km.) it remains the smallest country in the world, only the Vatican is smaller than it.

Monaco consists of four cities:Monaco-capital, Monte Carlo, La Condamine And Fontvieille. The principality is inhabited by about 36,000 people, which turns Monaco into the most densely populated country in the world - about 18 thousand / sq. km. T only a quarter of the populationnatives of Monaco,rest - Foreigners. The majority of those living in the dwarf state French people (47% ), 16% Italians, 16% Monegasques, to the rest 21% included included representatives of more than 125 nationalities. In the male-female ratio, the gentler sex has a slight advantage. average life expectancy- about 80 years old, regardless of this, the country is experiencing negative birth rate.

Official language in the principality French, But English,Italian And Monegasque languages also widespread.

Proclaimed in the Principality of Monaco freedom of religion, but contrary to that 90% population - Catholics.


Works in industry 12% employed in the service sector - 88% . Monaco has developed at a high level industries such as - electronic,electrical engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical. Also are developing:precision instrumentation, production of building materials, earthenware, ceramics. They occupy a significant place trade, making souvenirs And tourist services. The state has a high level of employment and living standards. Present state monopoly on telephone network activity, sale of tobacco products And post services. Businesses in Monaco produce devices And electronic components. This product exported to European countries and the USA. One of the main sources of income - travel business. Here Monaco is a huge hotel chain, having, by local standards, the highest classification. More significant industries -cosmetics production,chemicals And medicines. For any type of business activity need to get administration permission. It is necessary to justify that the project will benefit the state economy. It happens very often that they refuse. The principality is connected to the outside world, first of all, by sea routes. With France it's connected by rail. Highways They are used not only as a means of transportation. On the embankments and crooked streets of Monte Carlo there are famous races.

Flora and fauna

Beautiful Mediterranean vegetation is a trademark of the Principality of Monaco. Here it is Exotic garden, where you can find one of the richest collections of cacti in the world, as well as other plants from hot countries growing on steep cliffs. In addition, it hosts botanical studies of different plant species. In the old part of the city there is Japanese garden area 7000 square meters, located in accordance with the rules for arranging landscape parks in the land of the rising sun. Fongway District proud of the magnificent Princess Grace Rose Garden. He is part of the so-called Landscape Park.

Underground aquarium, the volume of which exceeds 400 cubic meters., represents 60 pools filled with sea water and is a true masterpiece of modern architecture. It was founded in 1910 prince Albert I and over time grew into a large scientific and tourist center. This is one of the few aquariums in the world, Where live corals, and as you know, they cannot live outside their natural environment. The Principality of Monaco is also home to a magnificent underwater reserveLaRvotto, which contains some of the most exotic representatives of the underwater world.

Banks and money

There are no problems with public transport in Monaco. They walk at very short intervals all day buses, and the fare is generally acceptable. Can be purchased ticket, which will cost you around the area per day 4 euros. In addition to these buses, there is a small bus specially for tourists. train with carriages, whose main function is take everyone around the main attractions of Monaco. This train costs a little more, but within half an hour of driving you will get to know all the best places. Take car for rent in Monaco it is not difficult, for this necessary have with you a driver's driver's license, which must comply with the international standard. In addition, you must be over 23 years old and have a credit card with you. There are some expensive car models that may require you to have two credit cards when renting them. Upon presentation of a credit card from it can be removed There is also an additional deposit, which is equal to the car rental amount. This happens because full payment You will pay for renting a car only when you return it. There are no particular difficulties on the roads of Monaco, traffic is quite calm and measured, also applies to all pedestrians, which is why it is established in Monaco Speed ​​Limit, on which drivers are prohibited from driving for more 50km/h.


It may surprise some that in Monaco there are absolutely no minerals, except for shellfish, which are harvested only to satisfy the huge demand of tourists. And, despite the lack of mineral resources, the influx of money into Monaco is not decreasing, but on the contrary, growing. This is due to the fact that the banks of Monaco, like no other, can do so well keep the client's identity secret, and in this country it is very low taxes, which is also very pleasing. Besides, this magnificent resort, which became famous for its gambling clubs, holidays here attract a large number of people who are ready to spend their capital on a luxurious holiday. But you shouldn’t assume that there is nothing else here besides the resort, gambling and banks. On the contrary, Monaco shows great promise for development pharmaceutical industry, and chemical And electronics industry. Well, and of course, we must not forget about construction, because Monaco is growing and prospering every year. And yet Monaco is very much depends on imports from different countries. But, the positive side is that in Monaco there are practically no unemployed, as the country moves forward and needs more and more workers.


Monaco occupies very little space in its territory; this country is classified as dwarf countries. Thanks to its climatic conditions, territorial location, proximity to France and the stunning splendor of nature, Monaco has become a great tourist destination, where thousands of people from different countries and many different celebrities spend their weekends. It is precisely because Monaco is located on a relatively small piece of land that the country cannot afford to engage in agriculture seriously. Agriculture occupies there's only 6% the entire industry of the country. All products are consumed domestically, nothing is exported, because such quantities are simply not enough for export. This is where they grow sugar cane, coconut trees, yam. Well, almost everything that this tiny beautiful country can afford. In addition, in Monaco they practice livestock farming, again in miniscule sizes and basically, this small pets. Also placed on a modest footing and fishing. But the most interesting thing is pearl mining And mother of pearl shells which are in great demand among tourists. In principle, this is all that Monaco can afford. The country obtains all its main products by importing from other countries.

Main source of income in the Principality of Monaco is considered travel business. People from all countries come here, ready to spend their money on a wide scale. A huge number of hotels and famous casinos attract the attention of everyone without exception, and especially of very rich people. And precisely because mostly wealthy people come to Monaco, here It's customary to tip almost everyone: hotel and hotel service personnel, waiters in restaurants and other establishments, tour guides, tour guides and taxi drivers. In restaurants, the tip amount is already included in the bill, but some, especially generous ones, leave a tip on top. The same is the case with tips for service staff in hotels and hotels., their tips are also included in the total amount for service. It is customary for taxi drivers to leave not less than 15% from the amount you see on the counter. You can live quite comfortably on the tips that some tourists leave, even without a salary, so all the staff tries to please tourists in order to receive additional rewards, are happy to carry out various instructions and requests from tourists. After all, for this, they receive a good increase in their basic salary.

National characteristics

When going to Monaco, you need to know a little about the peculiarities of this country, as well as, of course, any other country, in order not to find yourself in an awkward situation or not to offend the natives with a random word. As a result of the fact that Monaco is considered the most expensive tourist country, where huge amounts of money are spent, there are a large number of gambling establishments, such an order has been established that you will come across at every steprepresentatives of the authorities. And they don't have to be in shape; You may not even know that there is a policeman next to you, who is watching you or your neighbors with all his eyes. Face control- this is a common occurrence in almost any establishment, besides your hotel room or rental car may be searched. AND no need to interfere with this, because these are the rules here. On the streets at almost every step you can find installed security camera and thanks to such diligence of the police, there is a very small crime rate in Monaco. A large influx of money requires the presence of the best specialists in the field of law enforcement. As for gambling clubs, for men without fail You must wear a suit and tie. And everyone who is planning to visit the casino should be at least 18 years old And having a passport with you, is prerequisite.


Plug/Socket Monaco / / /

There are no problems with electricity in the country. Casinos and discos open 24 hours a day, lit with neon lights, luxurious storefronts of boutiques and shopping centers. All this, of course, does not mean that Monaco lacks warmth and light. Considering the influx of money coming into the country, high prices for accommodation and trips to restaurants, where even the most ordinary dishes will cost you at least a hundred dollars. Monaco may well create comfortable conditions for tourists and for the numerous celebrities who visit this fabulous country. Despite the fact that Monaco lives almost exclusively by the tourism business, it does not lack the most necessary things. So in hotels in Monaco, you will feel not just at home, but like in a real palace. Current power is standard everywhere, is equal 220V, and even if you want to take advantage of the additional benefits of civilization, you will not experience any problems. European standard sockets everywhere, which is very convenient so that you can connect additional household appliances and even your favorite computer, if you have such a need. Comfort, luxury, style and modernity will surround you throughout your vacation.


Monaco is a very expensive country that must live up to its high standards. People with average incomes do not always manage to get here, because hotel accommodation costs two to three times more than in other tourist countries. The level of service is very high, because very rich people come to Monaco, and meeting celebrities and famous athletes here is a completely common thing. They come here, as usual, on a grand scale. In this regard, you You will not be able to enter Monaco unless you have health insurance, because here they very carefully monitor all foreigners coming from distant countries.

The situation with drinking water is also encouraging: tap water is safe to drink, because it undergoes very good cleaning. But the taste is not good, because it lacks some minerals, so it is best to buy bottled water for drinking, which is sold in all stores. Products, which you will purchase in markets and stores as well are of high quality and you don't risk your health. The same environmentally friendly products will be served to you in hotel restaurants and any other catering establishments. So, you can forget about the risk of indigestion, unless you want to try something very exotic.

The territory of today's Monaco was first explored by the Phoenicians and Greeks, who arrived here in the 10th century. But the foundations of statehood here began to be laid in the late Middle Ages, when the principality became a colony of the Genoese Republic. At the end of the 13th century, civil war broke out in Genoa, and the fortress of Monaco was captured by Francesco Grimaldi. Dressed in a monastic robe, the rebel entered with a group of accomplices through the city gates and arbitrarily settled on the throne of the country. The result of this sudden invasion was that all subsequent rulers of the state were representatives of the Grimaldi clan, including the current Prince Albert II.

As for relations with France, Monaco voluntarily came under its protection in 1641, tired of the harsh and devastating Spanish protectorate for the treasury. True, in the future the principality had to fight for independence, first with France, and then with Sardinia. Monaco began to turn into an elite holiday destination and the gambling capital of Europe by imitating the German Bad Homburg. Namely: in the second half of the 19th century, Prince Charles III set out to “rob all of Europe” by concluding an agreement with the businessman Francois Blanc to build a casino. The final result of the deal was the appearance of the Monte Carlo region with its famous roulette on the state map, as well as a sharp influx of “thick wallets” who were eager to be the first to update the tables of the gambling establishment.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Monaco had become quite “promoted” financially, but it did not stop stirring up interest in itself. So in the “Roaring Twenties” a new lure was invented for the foreign elite - Grand Prix racing. The bet on the passion of millionaires for extreme sports turned out to be correct, and the golden stream flowing into the principality turned into a real money waterfall, providing for the Grimaldi family for several generations to come. The year 1956, when the ruler of Monaco, Rainier III, married Hollywood film star Grace Kelly, created no less a stir in the history of the country - the wedding and the subsequent (according to rumors, not very happy) family life of the couple were followed with bated breath by the media around the world.

Best time to travel

Monaco is quintessentially Mediterranean, where the seasons are not accompanied by extreme temperature changes. Accordingly, you can meet vacationers imposingly strolling along the city streets and squandering money in the Monte Carlo casino here all year round. A special influx of tourists is observed from May to October. Firstly, because this is the best time to swim and get a glamorous tan. And secondly, because it is during this time period that various celebrations and social events take place in the principality, starting with the Monaco Grand Prix and ending with the fireworks festival. The high season also has one significant downside - hotels are filled to capacity, so if you dream of relaxing on the beach with the European elite, get ready to book accommodation at the end of winter.

Early autumn in Monaco is a time of slight decline in tourist flow. The water in the sea slowly cools down and becomes pleasantly invigorating, and the sun gives an elegant golden tan without burning the skin, as sometimes happens in the summer. In addition, September in the principality is the time of the famous Monaco Yacht Show, where oligarchs compete with gigantic yachts, and mere mortals enthusiastically look at this vanity fair.

In November, the swimming season in the country is declared closed, and dreary rains come to the Ligurian coast. The main significant event of this month is November 19 - National Day of Monaco. So if you want to see Albert II and Princess Charlene with your own eyes, try to attend this event, which begins with a festive mass in the cathedral and ends with an opera performance in Monte Carlo (entrance only for members of the princely family and their entourage). In general, late autumn in this “golden corner” is the best time to have a good time in nightclubs and lose everything to the bone in the casino. It's a bit boring and damp outside, but inside the bars and gambling houses it's cozy and fun. True, only if you have a solid cash reserve.

The closer the Mediterranean winter comes, with its cloudiness, above-zero temperatures and boring rains, the cheaper housing and restaurant menus become in Monaco. Of course, you won’t be able to hang out in the principality for just pennies, but if you arrive at the resort in January-February, you can count on nice discounts. In addition, winter always means huge sales and the International Circus Festival.

Important: the most expensive winter month in Monaco is December. Catholic Christmas is approaching, which, on the one hand, attracts tourists to the principality, and on the other, allows hoteliers and restaurateurs to raise prices for their services.

Spring in Monaco is very picturesque and ideal for excursions. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to fully swim at this time, although in May you can already try to take a dip at the shore. But getting the necessary portion of ultraviolet radiation, starting in April, is quite possible. The Mediterranean spring is also rich in festive events, the most noisy of which are the Spring Arts Festival and the Comedy Film Festival. So if you love film premieres and dream of getting a selfie with Emir Kusturica and the like, check out the Principality in the spring.

Attractions and entertainment

Tiny but charming Monaco is a motley mix of architectural monuments and pretentious places of entertainment, where it is so nice to feel like “you belong”, throwing crispy banknotes left and right. Usually people go to the principality not for specific attractions, but to touch the legend of the Cote d'Azur and the replicated “Dolce Vita” atmosphere, which is available here not only to a handful of millionaires, but also to any buyer of a tour. Still, Monaco has a lot to show a visiting guest, so try to use the breaks between roulette and hanging out at beach clubs as rationally as possible and walk (or ride) around the country’s iconic places.

According to tradition, the most spectacular buildings are grouped within the state capital - Monaco-Ville, also known as the Old Town. The pompous area occupied the rocky part of Cape Saint-Antoine and practically soared above the surface of the sea, which gave its appearance even more fabulous flavor. In Monaco-Ville, you should first of all look at the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the Chapel of Divine Mercy, whose altar is littered with precious donations from pilgrims, and the Prince's Palace, where the descendants of the cunning Grimaldi have lived for 700 years. A small clarification: everyone is allowed into the residence, but you can only see the southern wing of the castle and the state apartments from the inside. Another must-see of Monaco-Ville is the botanical garden, which is called the Exotic Garden. Even if you are not a big fan of neat rose gardens and gigantic cacti, try to stay here at least for a short time - there are not many green squares and recreational areas in the principality where you can hide from the heat.

Be sure to take a walk in the area of ​​Palace Square to watch the marching guard of honor - a hypnotic sight that you will want to watch again and again. And then go around all the museums of the Old Town - the Wax Museum of the Rulers of Monaco (there is also a figure of the brilliant Grace Kelly), the Museum of Old Monaco, the Oceanographic Museum and the Napoleon Museum (the very southern wing of the royal palace).

- an attraction more recent than the princely nest of Monaco-Ville. Built in the 70s on territory reclaimed from the sea, this part of the principality is considered its industrial center, but this does not make it any less interesting. Tourists are usually attracted to Fontvieille by two objects: the Museum of Vintage Cars, where the bulk of the exhibits (and there are more than a hundred of them) belonged to Prince Rainier III, as well as the Louis II football stadium. In addition, next to the area there are the famous Grimaldi rocks, which in Monaco are always full of people who want to conquer them.

The best place to chase tycoons and movie stars with your camera is in the La Condamine area. Firstly, because here is the main marina of the principality, where the most expensive yachts are moored (Port Hercules). And secondly, because it is the business center of the country, where businessmen from all over the world flock to invest their own money. In terms of the excursion and observation program, the area is also not an outsider. The Church of Sainte Devote, the Princess Antoinette park, the Rainier III outdoor swimming pool in the port, which in winter turns into a huge ice skating rink - these and other attractions belong exclusively to the territory of La Condamine.

The most famous area of ​​the country, surpassing even the pretentious Monaco-Ville in popularity, is certainly Monte Carlo. The old-world mecca of gambling, where losses are usually greeted without drama and with champagne, and where winnings are enjoyed with maximum restraint, has an incredible magnetism that is impossible to resist. By the way, subjects of the principality, including representatives of the Grimaldi family, are prohibited by law from playing roulette, but guests from other countries of the world are always given the green light.

The most popular items in resort stores, in addition to fashionable outfits and niche perfumes, are a variety of antiques and everything related to racing. Casino paraphernalia is also common - souvenir playing cards, chips and other small things reminiscent of an inglorious loss or a royal win.

The maximum concentration of boutiques and fashion stores is located in the area of ​​the Golden Circle complex. The giant trading platform is located between the Monte Carlo Casino, the Alley Lumiere and the Rue des Beaux-Arts. Usually people come here to enjoy new items from the latest collections of Parisian and Milanese couturiers, as well as to look at the windows of souvenir shops and antique boutiques. The main competitor of the Golden Circle is the Metropol shopping center. In addition to dresses from Kenzo and shirts from Hugo Boss, you can buy electronics and selective perfumes here.


For jewelry, designer furniture and new gadgets, it is better to look into the Fontvieille district, in the shopping center of the same name. You can also waste money in the block between Princess Grace Street and Mill Boulevard. If you previously thought that everything in Monaco was expensive, then after visiting this area the rest of the country’s stores will seem like discounters. The situation is much the same in the Old Town. There are countless souvenir shops near the princely residence, but the prices for all small things are cosmic.

Princess Charlotte Boulevard and the Street of Fine Arts are the realm of antique shops. This is where representatives of the Grimaldi family shop when the desire to acquire another expensive trinket comes to them. For delicious gifts from the Cote d'Azur, you need to go to the market of the La Condamine district (landmark - Place d'Armes). I can’t say that the prices there are pleasing, but the quality of the delicacies is excellent.

Large shopping malls in Monaco are open from 10:00 to 19:00 with a traditional siesta break, which lasts from 12:00 to 15:00. The opening hours of small private stores are even shorter: from 9:00 to 17:00 plus a lunch break lasting a couple of hours. The La Condamine market opens its stalls at 06:00 and closes at 12:00.

Communication and Internet

It’s paradoxical, but true: in one of the richest countries, free Internet is not wasted. Wi-Fi in Monaco is found mostly in hotels, cafes and beach clubs, and to use it, you will first have to become a client of the establishment. If there is no desire to enrich enterprising hoteliers and restaurateurs, it is better to purchase an Internet package from mobile operators.

By the way, about cellular communications. The pleasure is quite expensive, so experienced travel bloggers recommend using payphones installed near top attractions. Calling cards can be purchased at grocery store checkout counters or news kiosks. If you absolutely can’t live without mobile communications, then keep in mind that in Monaco it is provided by the same operators as in France. Accordingly, upon arrival in Nice or Paris, feel free to buy an SFR, Orange Fance or Bouygues Telecom SIM card - they will also be valid in the domain of Albert II.

An alternative to French operators is the tariff plans of Monaco Telecom. There is a small saving in terms of money, although there are more problems with finding and registering a prepaid package. For this reason, most travelers, when going to the principality, prefer to remain faithful to domestic operators, connecting to profitable roaming options.


Cash transactions in Monaco are carried out in euros. There are no problems with paying by credit cards or withdrawing funds. The first ones are accepted everywhere, and ATMs are found at every step. Exchangers are easy to find in hotels and at the train station, or you can contact similar points at Nice airport. Banks offer the most favorable exchange rates. In Monaco they are open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 16:30, including lunch break. If your visit to the principality falls on the weekend, the bank next door to the Monte Carlo casino, which is open daily from 12:00 to 23:00, will help out.

Tips in Monaco are included in the bill and amount to 15%. If such a line is not found in the check, you will have to issue a reward for the service yourself. Restaurant staff expects from you at least 10%, and better yet 15% of the amount left in the establishment. Taxi drivers have approximately the same expectations. Most hotel maids and porters cost a couple of euros.

VAT in Monaco is 18.6%, which can be refunded if you purchase one or more goods worth EUR 185 or more. Mandatory rule: purchases must be made in a store that supports the Global Blue system, and the buyer must fill out a receipt, usually issued at the point of sale and presented when going through customs at the airport. You can get your money back at Global Blue refund points, the closest of which are in Cannes and Nice. An important point: you can use the Tax free system only if you spend no more than 1000 EUR per day in Monaco.


Prince Rainier III once said that security in Monaco should be absolute. Since then, local law enforcement agencies have been strenuously striving to meet the high bar set by the head of state. Well, to be more precise, Monaco is one of the few countries in the world where you can safely walk around in a necklace for the price of an airplane and not be afraid of being robbed. Of course, even here it was not possible to completely get rid of the individuals lying in wait for other people’s smartphones and wallets, but every year it becomes more and more difficult for local thieves to “process” tourists. The reason for this is the operational work of law enforcement officers, who in Monaco are endowed with broad powers, video surveillance cameras hung on almost every pole, and strict sentences for even minor violations of public peace. By the way, you shouldn’t be afraid of reckless drivers on the roads either. Despite the fact that Monaco is the permanent residence of Formula 1, traffic rules are strictly observed here. Firstly, because Monegasques do not need problems with the law. And secondly, because the fines for speeding here, even by the standards of the Cote d'Azur, are fantastic.


Monaco is easy to get around on foot, but sometimes, due to the steep descents and ascents, you want to rest your legs and ride something. In such cases, buses running between regions of the principality will help. They run daily on six routes from 7:00 to 21:00 with an interval of 10 minutes (a little less often on weekends). You can purchase a ticket from the bus driver or at the office of the transport company CAM. The cost of one trip is 2 EUR, a pass for 6 trips is 11 EUR, a daily pass is 5.50 EUR.

You can take a tour of the most attractive locations of the principality on Hop-on hop-off tourist buses. For 23 EUR you can use them to travel around the country's iconic sights throughout the day, getting off and on again at any stop. Tickets can be purchased from the driver.

A rather unusual type of public transport, common in Monaco, is lifts, with the help of which it becomes much easier to “storm” the cliff of Monaco-Ville. There are a total of 28 elevator shafts in the country, providing tourists with easy and quick access to the most interesting areas and beaches of the principality. You can see the location of the lifts and their movement patterns on the website If for some reason the elevators don’t work out, use the free escalators. There are 7 of them in Monaco.

Helpful information: An autonomous electric shuttle is being tested in Monaco. The snow-white trailer with 15 passenger seats is equipped with air conditioning and travels between the Ministry building and the Oceanographic Museum, making stops at Palace Square and near the Cathedral. You can ride it absolutely free from July 3 to September 8, 2019.

If you want a romantic walk around Monaco, take a sightseeing train that departs from the Oceanographic Museum and covers all the sights in half an hour (runs from February to November). Panoramic roofs of the carriages and an audio guide in Russian will make the trip unforgettable. You can get no less impressions from an excursion on a sea bus, the parking lot of which is located in the Hercule port. The cost of a mini-cruise is equal to a standard trip on a city bus.

If you need more freedom of movement, but don’t want to exert yourself physically, take a look at stations with MonaBike electric bicycles, of which there are as many as 35 in the principality. The first half hour you can ride for free, and if you ride at least one minute less than an hour, you will pay 1 EUR for the operation of the vehicle. Monaco also has its own taxi services, whose cars should be looked for at iconic attractions, as well as in the train station area.

Rent a Car

You can rent a car in Monaco at most hotels. The second option is to go through online booking sites and choose a vehicle according to your own taste. As for prices, trying on the role of a billionaire in a sports car will cost 1500-2000 EUR per day, and the refundable deposit will be 15,000 EUR. Simpler options like the Audi A6 cost 100-110 EUR per day with a deposit of 4000 EUR. Well, in search of even greater cheapness, it is better to go to international rental companies like Sixt, where they offer to rent a modest Peugeot 208 for three days for 190 EUR.

And a little about the disadvantages that accompany driving around the principality. Firstly, this is the strictest speed limit and oligarchic fines for violating it. So, of course, it is possible to repeat the route of Formula 1 racers here, but you won’t be able to feel like the second Fernando Alonso, since the average permitted speed within Monaco is 50 km/h and much less often – 80 km/h. Secondly, the local terrain is not conducive to road travel, and the abundance of pedestrian areas where traffic is prohibited is completely depressing. You can’t get into Monaco-Ville with a rented car either, as only cars with local license plates have access to it.

The parking situation is also difficult. It will take a long time to find a place where you can leave your car without the risk of running into a fine, so it’s easier to go to underground parking. If you manage to find a free parking lot, pay attention to the road markings. Only the options outlined with a white line will be truly free. Blue means you have to pay for a space, yellow means parking is prohibited. The city plan, which you can download, will help clarify the parking situation a little.

Customs and visa information

To travel to Monaco, you will have to acquire a Schengen card and insurance covering the provision of medical services in the amount of 30,000 EUR. To apply for a visa, you need to contact French visa centers or the Consulate General of the French Republic - there is no diplomatic representation of the principality in Russia yet. The list of documents for obtaining Schengen is standard. The only point is that in Monaco they are extremely sensitive to everything related to money, and especially to the financial viability of tourists. So get ready to provide the visa center with income certificates, bank account statements, information about currency purchases and other evidence that you are a respectable person and not some kind of backpacker.

As for the import and export of currency, no restrictions are imposed on this item. Well, since the majority of Monaco’s guests are not poor people, only amounts from 10,000 EUR are required to be declared at customs. The following are not subject to import duties: tobacco – in the amount of 250 g; cigarettes – no more than 200 pcs.; cigars – up to 50 pcs. A liter of strong alcohol and a couple of liters of wine can also be transported freely.

Representatives of the fair half who go to Monaco to “walk” jewelry should know that the total weight of jewelry should not exceed 500 g. Otherwise, the “excess” will have to be declared. Medicines are also allowed to be imported, but most of them will require a doctor’s prescription certified by a notary.

Products prohibited for import/export are narcotic substances, weapons, endangered species of plants and animals, pornographic materials, as well as meat products from African countries.

Train Nice – Monaco

An alternative to rail transport is buses No. 100 and 101. In Nice, they leave from Le Port station and go straight to Monaco. For those landing in the main city of the Provençal Alps on Thursday, Friday or Saturday evening, we recommend the night bus service Noctambus 100. You can board it directly at the airport. Well, the most comfortable option is a taxi. It is better to book a transfer in advance, having agreed in advance on the number of seats and additional options such as a child seat and other attributes of a safe trip.

A holiday in the principality can also be combined with a tour of the French capital, so if you find yourself in Paris, but really want to go to Monaco, take a look at the SNCF railway website. Booking a high-speed train ticket to Nice is as easy as pie. Well, then - the already familiar route by buses and trains.

Tourists vacationing on the Ligurian coast of Italy (the cities of San Remo, Savona, Genoa), but eager to spend money at the Monte Carlo casino, are recommended to use Trenitalia trains. You will have to get off at the Italian-French border, where you can immediately change to any SNCF train heading towards Nice or Cannes - they all stop in Monaco.

When we hear the word Monaco, the maximum associations that can arise are France, casinos and Grace Kelly. Many people have no idea where Monaco is located on the world map. The material below will help you increase your knowledge regarding Monaco, for example, find out where the mini-state is located.

Historical reference

Settlers settled in Monaco a long time ago, back in the 10th century BC. Initially, immigrants from Phenicia settled here; later they were joined by Greeks and Monoiki. The state of Monaco dates back its history to the beginning of the 13th century. It was then that the principality of the colony of the Genoese Republic was founded on the territory of the country and the construction of a defensive fortress wall began.

January 8, 1297 became an epoch-making date in the biography of Monaco, and indeed of the whole of Europe. On that significant day, Francesco Grimaldi and his associates occupied the territory of Monaco and gave the tiny country independence from Genoa. It was Francesco Grimaldi who became the founder of the dynastic branch that ruled Monaco for seven centuries.

From 1641 to 1860, the Principality of Monaco was under the protection (protectorate) of first France and then Sardinia. In 1865, France and the dwarf state entered into a customs union, which significantly strengthened Monaco’s position on the world map. That same year, the famous casino in Monte Carlo opened its doors for the first time. These two events helped the country's economy grow significantly.

Another leap in Monaco's economic gradation is closely associated with the name of the Greek businessman and billionaire Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975). Thanks to the activities of this extraordinary person, the country’s territory expanded, the importance of the entertainment industry increased, and a local port was built.

The Principality of Monaco attracted global attention in 1956 when the then head of the country, Rainier III, married world-class actress Grace Kelly. A truly fabulous story took place, repeatedly described in books and filmed. These days, the miniature country is ruled by the son of Rainier III and Grace Kelly, Prince Albert II.

Where is Monaco?

Some believe that the principality is located on the lands of France, but this is a mistaken opinion. Monaco neighbors France, however, it has its own, clearly defined borders. The miniature country settled in the south of Europe, right at the coast of the Ligurian Sea. For those who don’t know, the Ligurian Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea, flowing between the islands of Corsica and Liguria (hence the name). From the Cote d'Azur and Nice the principality is within easy reach: they are separated by some 20 km.

So, Monaco is located very well on the world map. But why is Monaco constantly awarded the epithets “small”, “dwarf”, “miniature” in the article? There is no discrimination here, it’s just that the state in question is really tiny. Only the Vatican is smaller! And here are the busy figures: Monaco’s area is just over two km (for comparison: Moscow’s Sokolniki Park is three times larger).

The coastline stretches for more than 4 km, and the total length of the land borders is 4.4 km. True, over the past two decades, the territory of the principality has grown by as much as 40 hectares, which was due to the drainage of spaces previously occupied by the sea. In short, Monaco is barely visible on the physical and political map of the world.

Climatic conditions

Monaco's location in close proximity to the sea provides the country with a subtropical Mediterranean climate. This type is characterized by warm summers without precipitation and mild rainy winters (the air temperature does not fall below 10 degrees Celsius). The weather in Monaco is almost one hundred percent identical to the weather on the southern coast of France.

Population and religion

The national composition of Monaco is heterogeneous: it includes representatives of France, Italy, and Great Britain. The so-called Monegasques (21%) are full subjects of the principality. Monegasques have privileges that other citizens of the state are deprived of, for example, they may not pay taxes, have the right to settle in the old part of the city and participate in local parliament elections, etc.

Among the citizens of Monaco there are representatives of all faiths. Judaism, for example, is professed by just over 500 residents of the country, Islam by about 150. However, the majority of Monegasques are Catholic Christians. They make up almost 90% of the total population. However, Monaco legislation states that no one can be forced to believe in God, so residents are free to choose their own religion or remain atheists altogether.

Political structure

The internal charter of the state is regulated by the Constitution adopted in 1962. Monaco follows the principle of a constitutional monarchy with a prince at its head. The powers of the prince have no restrictions, i.e. his power is absolute. True, in 2002, constitutional amendments slightly expanded the rights of the local parliament.

Laws are adopted by a tandem consisting of the prince and parliament, formed of 24 members. Parliamentary elections are held every 5 years. There are several political parties in the state, such as the Union for the Principality or the National Union for the Future of Monaco. Due to its size, Monaco cannot occupy a high place on the political map.

Transport system

Monaco can be reached by rail, highway, air or sea. The principality does not have its own airport, but there is a helipad connecting Monaco with Nice. The main station is called Monte Carlo and is an underground station.
Directly in Monaco, local residents and tourists use bus routes (there are seven of them). There are also special buses and taxis that operate on the water.

Culture and art

Monaco has a lot to show its residents and guests. Without a doubt, a small state plays a big role as a significant cultural center of Europe. One of the proofs is the building of the Garnier Hall, erected in 1879. Construction was carried out according to the design of the architect Charles Garnier, which is why the Hall received the name of its “father”.

The stage of the legendary Hall regularly hosts performances by the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Monte-Carlo Opera. Another cultural institution is the Princess Grace Academy of Classical Dance. For many years, the Academy was headed by the famous Russian-born ballerina Marika Bezobrazova (1918-2010).

In Monaco, special awards are awarded every year: the Grand Prize of Literature, the Prince Rainier III Music Prize and the International Prize for Contemporary Art. The laureates are determined by the Prince Pierre Foundation, established by Ruler Rainier III in memory of his father. Every year the Principality organizes an International Circus Festival and a Television Festival. The events take place in the reputable modern congress center Grimaldi Forum.

Sights of Monaco

No matter where the guests are in the miniature principality, they will always have something to look at.

  • Monaco Ville. A corner of Monaco with a population of about 1000 people is harmoniously located on a cliff 60 meters high. Cozy old streets and paths huddle together, immersing you in a unique world. A princely palace settled in this place, in which not only the head of the country lives, but also his entire family;
  • Museum of Old Monaco. The Museum contains magnificent exhibitions that convey the ancient spirit of the principality. Here you can see ancient books, clothes, coins, musical instruments, ceramic dishes and much more. Every Wednesday and Friday, admission to the Museum is completely free;
  • Botanical Garden of Monaco. Succulents collected from all over the world settled in this place. Rare exotic plants have made the garden a truly heavenly place, which is definitely worth a visit;
  • Museum of retro cars. The authorship of the idea of ​​creating a museum belongs to Prince Rainier III. Connoisseurs and simply curious people will be able to see among the exhibits the first signs of the Lincoln family, Citroens, Peugeots, Packards, retro military cars, as well as iron horses that belonged to members of the princely family, including Princess Grace;
  • Princess Grace's Rose Garden. The Rosary was created in 1984 in memory of the principality's favorite, Princess Grace, who died in 1982. Grace adored roses, and on a small piece of land, which is the rose garden, several thousand delicate and beautiful flowers bloomed. It is a pity that Princess Grace cannot see what beauty her subjects have created in her honor;
  • Larvotto beach. The purest artificial sand and clear water greet visitors to Larvotto Beach. Romantic couples and wealthy tourists like to spend their leisure time here;
  • Fort Antoine. A small but atmospheric place, which is a multi-tiered amphitheater. In the old days, the defense of the old city, Monaco Villa, was carried out here, but today free concerts and open-air performances are held here for everyone. The capacity of the amphitheater is 350 people;
  • Cathedral of St. Nicholas. The construction of Monaco's main religious building was completed in 1875. The beautiful snow-white cathedral is the burial place of princes and princesses; church holiday services are regularly held here;
  • Japanese garden. Monaco has its own “little Japan” - a stylistically consistent garden. Being in it, it seems that you are in the land of the rising sun. Small bridges, tea houses, rock gardens, ponds with goldfish, and sakura thickets instantly immerse guests in the stunning world of a distant Asian country. Many decorative elements and props were brought to Monaco from Japan;
  • Museum of Oceanography. The museum building rises directly from the coastal cliffs, revealing an indescribable picture. For a long time (from 1957 to 1997), the museum was led by the world-famous explorer of the ocean depths, Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The territory of the enterprise is equipped with a library, laboratories, marine farms, specialized research centers;
  • Casino Monte Carlo. One of the main attractions of Monaco is interesting not only as a gambling and entertainment establishment, but also as an architectural structure. From the outside, the casino looks like a magnificent palace, but inside it amazes with luxurious interiors and chic furnishings. For a fee of 10 euros, you can walk through all the halls of the building and carefully examine any detail of the interior;
  • Cafe de Paris. Here you can not only taste local cuisine, but also watch casino visitors arriving in luxury cars, because the view from the cafe opens directly onto the Monte Carlo casino;
  • Park and Casino Square. The area near the casino is not quite ordinary, because you cannot walk through it in jeans and shabby sneakers. A special sign warns about this. Here you can see a wonderful palm park with flowers and ponds, overgrown with reeds and lilies, harmoniously “going” into the mountains. At night, the square is illuminated with spectacular illumination, giving the place a magical look;
  • La Mayenne Corniche. This is the name of the route connecting Nice and Monaco. The highway stretches along the sea, spiraling into the mountains. When traveling by car, you should definitely stop in the small town of Eze. In Eze you can dine in a charming restaurant, walk along cozy miniature streets, breathe in the cleanest air, and admire the incredible views of the sea and mountains.

The list of places that a tourist should definitely visit in Monaco is far from complete. But even these points will be enough to satisfy the thirst for first impressions of any guest of the principality.

Monaco is a tiny state with a lot of interesting facts:

  • Monaco does not have a capital because it is a city-state (similar to the Vatican). That is, the state of Monaco and the city of Monaco are one and the same;
  • The armed forces of the principality number 82 people. The military band is larger than the army by 3 people, which is the only such precedent in the world;
  • the average life expectancy of a citizen of Monaco is 90 years, which in itself is amazing;
  • Monaco is not a member of the European Union, although it uses its established currency, the euro;
  • the law prohibits Monegasques from playing in casinos, the gambling business is thriving and developing exclusively for tourists;
  • the inhabitants of the principality do not have their own language, so they speak English, although French is considered the official language;
  • almost the entire territory of the state is under surveillance cameras;
  • the crime rate is almost zero;
  • In the event of an armed conflict with other states, Monaco is protected by France.

The tiny state is capable of receiving a huge number of guests; perhaps you will also be able to visit there someday (if you haven’t already).

The Principality of Monaco (Principauté de Monaco) is a dwarf state associated with France, located in southern Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea; on land it borders with France. It is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. The country is a member of such international organizations as: UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, Interpol, UNESCO, WHO. The head office of the International Hydrographic Organization is located in Monaco. The country has 12 diplomatic missions in Western Europe and permanent representatives to the UN and the Council of Europe.

The area of ​​the country is only 2 km², which is almost three times smaller than the Sokolniki Park in Moscow, and the population is only 38 thousand people. The length of the coastline here is 4.1 km, the length of the land borders is 4.4 km. Over the past 20 years, the country's territory has increased by almost 40 hectares due to the drainage of marine areas. We will begin our acquaintance with Monaco from its easternmost part, the name of which is known throughout the world. This is Monte Carlo (in French it sounds very funny: “Monte Carlo” (with the emphasis, as expected, on the last syllable). It is here that the only railway station in the country, built inside a rock, is located.

Directly in front of the station is the Church of Sainte Dévote Chapel, which has existed since the 11th century. and rebuilt many times in later times.

Every year since 1929, Monaco has hosted one of the most prestigious competitions in motorsport - the Monaco Grand Prix, which has been part of the Formula 1 World Championship since 1950. The route runs along the city streets.

View from Monte Carlo of the central part of Monaco - La Condamine, built up with modern buildings.

Buildings on Avenue d'Ostende in Monte Carlo.

Port Hercule. In the background is the princely palace.

One of the observation decks in Monte Carlo.

Trees on the roof of a building.

The most famous building in Monte Carlo is, of course, the casino, which was opened in 1863 to save the princely house of Grimaldi from bankruptcy. The same building was built according to the design of the architect C. Garnier (builder of the Paris Opera) in 1878 in a complex with the Garnier Hall (Salle Garnier ) , which houses the Monte Carlo Opera and the Philharmonic Orchestra.

This is a magnificent building - a real architectural masterpiece (by the way, citizens of Monaco are prohibited from gambling and visiting casinos).

In front of the casino entrance there is a huge mirror lens.

Several views of the casino building from different sides.

Monument to composer Jules Massenet ) near the casino .

Monument to Hector Berlioz ).

View of the new buildings in Monte Carlo.

In front of the casino, on a platform above the rocky steep seashore, there is a magnificent Monte Carlo park with tropical plants and various sculptures. For example, naked and fat aunt and uncle. This is how the sculptor saw Adam and Eve.

Fioura of a medieval lady.

Another view of the princely palace, where we will soon go.

Transparent sculpture of a ballerina against the background of the sea.

Bust of the great Russian entrepreneur S.P. Diaghilev. It was here at the Monte Carlo Opera that his company, the Russian Ballet, was based.

The peaks and slopes of the mountains are already France.

One of the most luxurious hotels is the Hotel De Paris in Monte Carlo.

The central street of the La Condamine district is named after the Princes of Grimaldi (Rue Grimaldi).

It is exceptionally clean and cozy.

Many balconies on the street are surrounded by flowers.

On the rock against which the street rests, the wall of the prince's castle is visible.

The high-rise buildings in the background are already in France.

The ascent to the old town of Monaco (Monaco-Ville) begins.

Monument to Prince Rainier III - the father of the living monarch Albert II - in front of the entrance to the old city.

Buildings on Palace Square (Place de Palais).

Statue of Francesco (François) Grimaldi - “The Cunning Man” (Italian: Francesco Grimaldi La Malizia, French: François Grimaldi le Rusé) - the founder of the princely dynasty ruling in Monaco. According to legend, in 1297 he, together with a group of supporters dressed as monks, knocked on the gates of the fortress. After they were let in, the “monks” grabbed swords from under their robes and captured the fortress in battle. This event is depicted on the coat of arms of Monaco, which depicts two monks with swords as shield holders.

The Princely Palace of Monaco, founded as a Genoese fortress in 1191, was then expanded and rebuilt many times. From the end of the 13th century. The palace belongs to the Grimaldi family.

One of the two palace guards.

View from the palace to Palace Square.

Everyone is allowed into the state rooms of the palace (when there are no official events there). True, photography is prohibited there.

View of the new district of Monaco, located on land reclaimed from the sea - Fontvielle.

Park next to the palace. Sea view.

Fontvey and France located behind it.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas (la cathédrale de Monaco), erected of white stone in 1875 in the Romanesque style on the site of the old (13th century) Church of St. Nicholas. The cathedral is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Monaco and serves as the tomb of the Princes of Monaco.

Palace of Justice (Palais de Justice).

Another famous building in Monaco is the Oceanographic Museum (Musée océanographique de Monaco), which combines the museum itself and the oceanographic institute. The museum was founded in 1889 by Prince Albert I, and the oceanographic institute opened in 1906. From 1957 until his death, the director of the museum was the famous French explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau.

The museum has a remarkable collection of various types of marine fauna in the form of stuffed animals and skeletons and a large number of various objects related to the sea and maritime affairs (model ships, marine tools, weapons, etc.

Terrace on the roof of the museum.